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Seed potato MONALISA Variety

The MONALISA variety potato seed is a versatile consumer variety registered in 1982 in the French catalogue.

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MONALISA seed potato - Public domain variety

The MONALISA potato seed is a potato variety for the table market. The tubers of MONALISA are oblong, regular with shallow eyes, yellow skin and yellow flesh. Tubers of beautiful presentation that make it a variety known to the general public.



Descriptive characters of MONALISA seed potato

Faily high size
Erect growth habit
Rammy type







Agronomic characters of  
MONALISA seed potato

Maturity group 7.5 (Early to mid early)
Share of big tuberrs 7 (strong)
Vegetative rest 6 (fairly long)
Incubation 2 (sensitive to very sensitive)
Storage capacity 5 (medium)

Descriptive characters of MONALISA seed potato tuber

Oblong shape
Regularity 8 regular to very regular
Eyes depth 8 superficial to very superficial
Yellow skin
Yellow flesh 


Culinary characters of  seed potato

Culinary group A - B
Dry matter 19.5 % 
After-cooking blackening none
Disintegration during cooking low to very low
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