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Seed potato KALYS variety

The KALYS potato seed is a variety that is suitable for both the French and export markets. It is a mid-early variety that is suitable for the preparation of home fries.

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KALYS advantages

KALYS seed potato - Exclusive ELORN PLANTS variety

The KALYS potato seed is a polyvalent consumer variety, also suitable for the export market. With its 21% dry matter content, it is suitable for the preparation of home fries. Mid-early, it has a good proportion of large tubers and a good storage capacity. Its oblong tuber has a nice regularity of skin with superficial eyes. 



Descriptive characters of KALYS seed potato

Middle size

Semi-erect growth habit 

Type main crop


Agronomic characters of KALYS seed potato

Maturity group 7 Mid early
Share of big tubers 7 strong
Dormancy 6 mid long 
Incubation low sensibility 
Storage ability 7 good


Descriptive characters of KALYS seed potato tuber

Forme long oval
Regularity 7 regular
Depth of the eyes 7 superficial
Yellow skin
Yellow pale flesh 


Culinary characters of KALYS seed potato

Culinary group A - B 
Dry matter content 21 % 
After-coocking blackening none
Disintegration during cooking low
Frying colour Medium


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KALYS advantages

The advantages of the KALYS potato seed - Exclusive ELORN PLANTS variety

  • 125 % of MONALISA
  • Resistant to nematode Ro 1-4 and not very sensitive to virus Y
  • 21% dry matter, suitable for home frying
  • Hardy variety, suitable for the major production regions of France and North Africaé

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