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Seed potato ELEGANTE variety

The ELEGANTE seed potato is a salad type variety. It is a productive variety with a very good storage capacity that can be stored late in the season.

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ELEGANTE advantages

ELEGANTE seed potato - Exclusive ELORN PLANTS variety

The ELEGANTE seed potato is an early variety of salad type with very regular tubers of elongated shape with bright yellow skin and yellow flesh. It is very productive and has a very good culinary quality. It has a very good shelf life and can be stored late in the season. 



Descriptive characters of ELEGANTE seed potato

Middle size

Semi-erect growth habit
Type main crop



Agronomic characters of ELEGANTE seed potato 

Maturity group 7 early to mid early
Dormancy 8 long
Incubation 2 sensible
Storage ability 8 very good


Descriptive characters of ELEGANTE seed potato tuber

Long form

Regularity very regular
Depth of the eyes 8 very superficial
Yellow skin
Yellow flesh


Culinary characters of ELEGANTE seed potato

Groupe culinaire A
Matière sèche 16 %
Noircissement après cuisson très léger
Tenue à la cuisson bonne à très bonne
Coloration à la friture Moyenne


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ELEGANTE advantages

The advantages of the ELEGANTE potato seed - Exclusive ELORN PLANTS variety

  • 110% yield compared to Charlotte
  • A variety with excellent storage capacity that can be stored late in the season. 
  • Known for its excellent culinary quality

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