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Seed potato CARA variety

The CARA potato seed has the particularity of having a yellow skin marked by red eyes. Very versatile, it can be eaten as home fries.

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Les atouts CARA

CARA seed potato - Public domain variety

The CARA potato seed is one of the most widely grown varieties in the world. Listed in the French catalogue in 1967, it is cultivated, especially in Brittany, for large export markets. Oblong elongated with skin and yellow flesh, it stands out for its high yield and ability to produce large tubers.



Descriptive characters of CARA seed potato

High size
Semi-erect to spread growth habit
Intermediate type







Agronomic characters of  
CARA seed potato

Maturity group Late
Share of big tuberrs 8 (strong)
Vegetative rest 3 (short)
Incubation 2 (sensitive to very sensitive)
Storage capacity 8 (very good)

Descriptive characters of CARA seed potato tuber

Oblong-short shape
Regularity 7 regular
Eyes depth 7 superficial
Yellow skin/red skin
Cream flesh 


Culinary characters of CARA seed potato

Culinary group B
Dry matter 19 % 

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Les atouts CARA

Les Atouts du plant de pomme de terre CARA - Variété du domaine public

  • Rendements très bons​
  • Bonne résistance au mildiou du feuillage et du tubercule
  • Une variété très rustique avec une excellente capacité de conservation  
  • Variété résistante au stresse hydrique
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